Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kazakhstan Independence Day

Kazakhstan declared its independence on December 16, 1991, from USSR.

Today the people of Kazakhstan receive 2 days off work and school for Independence Day- the 16th and the 17th of December. It is common for towns and cities to have concerts full of traditional music and dance. Another Kazakh tradition is the “ghosti”. This is the tradition of visiting friends and relatives houses. It is custom to receive tea and sweets when you ghosti.

Here are some thoughts from a few Kazakh students.


My homeland Kazakhstan. This country that be in central Eurasia. This is country of free peoples. Kazakhstan- a wonderfully beautiful earth. Here exists stately mountains (Zailiski Alatau), heavy rivers (Irtysh), Amudarya, Syrdarya and bloodless steppes. Kazakhstan- this earth, where peacefully live many different people. --- Gulnar
My darling edge- Karkaraly. This is a very beautiful and a big city. There are here a beautiful mountains, a very much caves and lakes. There is well known area named Shahter. Shahter is a beautiful district- there are mountains, a lake, swimming pool. --- Anel
Independence Day celebrate 16 December. In Kazakhstan live very many people. I'm proud of Kazakhstan. -- Marhabbat

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